¿Quieres dejar de usar gafas?

¿Quieres dejar de usar gafas?

19 October 2020

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We have the most advanced technology in the world for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, the LenSx® femtosecond laser and the WaveLight® EX500 excimer laser. This revolutionary technology is 100% scalpel-free, painless, and provides never-before-seen precision in visual corrective procedures.

Custom Lasik has the potential to improve not only how much the patient sees, but also the quality of their vision. Improving aspects such as:

• Differentiate shades in colors and brightness
• Quality in night vision
• Reduces or eliminates the sensation of glare or sensitivity to light at night.

It is an outpatient procedure that uses only topical drop anesthesia. Recovery is practically immediate, being able to return to work the day after the procedure. The rest period for intense reading is two to three days.

The end result is the clearest and sharpest vision that can be achieved, eliminating or reducing the need for glasses or contact lenses. The correction achieved is evident from the next day and the final vision stabilizes during the following days.

If you want to know if you are a candidate for this laser surgery, you just have to make your appointment with us.

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