
The Espaillat Cabral Institute was founded by Dr. Arnaldo Espaillat Cabral on April 1, 1970 as the first health center in the Dominican Republic dedicated to a single medical specialty: Ophthalmology.

The architectural design of the Institute was based on the anatomy of the eye, one of few buildings in the world created from the characteristics of a human organ. This unique structure has been photographed and showcased in architecture magazines, both locally and internationally.

Scientific advancement in all areas of Ophthalmology, and a humane and dignified treatment of our patients are the cornerstones of the Institute.

The Espaillat Cabral Institute was the first medical center in the Dominican Republic to use a microscope in eye surgery, and the first to have dedicated specialized operating rooms for ophthalmic procedures.

Listed below are several of the medical equipment and instruments that were first introduced to the Dominican Republic by the Espaillat Cabral Institute, at its opening in 1970:

  • Cryocoagulation apparatus for cryoextractions in cataract and retinal surgeries.
  • Haag-Streit camera for anterior segment photography.
  • Zeiss camera for posterior segment photography.
  • Goldman visual field screener, which replaced the Bjerrum tangent screen.
  • Large amblyoscopes –such as the Clement Clarke synoptophore– to study the external motor patterns of the eye (phoria, diplopia, strabismus) and euthyscope for the study of afterimages and treatment of amblyopia.
  • Slit lamp Haag-Streit 900 –at the time of its introduction, the most advanced model available in the country was the 300.
  • Xenon Laser, the first laser for ophthalmic use in the country and one of the first in Latin America.
  • Gonioscopic lenses.
  • Electric surgical table with X-Y movement.
  • Zeiss surgical microscope with integrated slit lamp and electric movement.
  • Electric panel for central control of the instruments.
  • Electronic tonograph for measuring the coefficient of discharge of the aqueous humor of the eyeball.
  • Goldmann applanation tonometer, replacing the Shiotz.

The introduction of the latest advances in ophthalmic medical technology has been a constant at the Espaillat Cabral Institute throughout its history. Today, we continue at the forefront of Ophthalmology in our expanded facilities with the most modern diagnostic and surgical equipment, as well as the most qualified and up-to-date Ophthalmology staff in the Dominican Republic.

In 2023, the Espaillat Cabral Institute has taken a significant step towards sustainability by announcing the incorporation of solar panels in its facilities as a source of renewable energy. This initiative aims not only to promote the use of clean energy, but also to actively contribute to the reduction of its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and reduce the environmental impact of its operations.

Aware of the importance of adopting renewable energies to protect the environment, they have made a significant investment in the adoption of this advanced technology. They hope that this measure will promote collective awareness, thus fostering a commitment to care for the environment.

They are moving towards a more sustainable medical practice!

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