El regreso a clases y la salud visual

El regreso a clases y la salud visual

08 September 2020

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Detecting an inappropriate relationship between vision and learning requires a comprehensive visual assessment by an eye specialist. This is especially important if the child is struggling with his schoolwork, which could be a sign of a visual problem.

Some recommendations are:

• 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, looking ahead for 20 seconds from 20 feet away (about 6 meters) is a great help to avoid some digital eye strain.

• Apply lubricating eye drops frequently to children to avoid blurred vision and eyestrain, as children blink less frequently when using electronic devices.

• Frequent periodic evaluations, since they can detect abnormalities in the vision of children.

Poor school performance may be due, among other causes, to undiagnosed visual problems.

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