What causes blurred or distorted distance vision?

What causes blurred or distorted distance vision?

04 May 2023

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  • Cataracts

A cataract is the loss of transparency of the crystalline lens, the eye's natural lens located behind the pupil. Light rays pass through the lens to reach the retina, where images are formed. If the lens loses its transparency and obstructs the passage of light, the patient suffers a progressive loss of vision.

The most common symptoms of cataracts are:

  • Blurred vision}
  • Flashes
  • Poor night vision

These make night driving difficult and cause discomfort with light, as well as changes in the prescription of the glasses.

What to do?

Cataracts cannot be prevented, but they can be detected through eye examinations. It is advisable to visit the ophthalmologist periodically, especially after the age of 45, to detect the possible existence of a cataract, its type and size, and to determine if and when surgery is necessary.

  • Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a refractive defect that causes images to focus on the retina in a distorted way, affecting near and distance vision. It can appear alone or associated with myopia or hyperopia, and is usually stable throughout life.

Most frequent symptoms:

  • Perception of distorted images (most frequent symptom).
  • Problems switching between near and distance vision.
  • Difficulty seeing fine details, both near and far away
  • Headaches, eye pain or dizziness as a result of eye muscle strain.

What to do?

Astigmatism can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. If the patient prefers not to use these options, surgical solutions are available.

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