 What to do when diagnosed with cataracts?

What to do when diagnosed with cataracts?

18 February 2020

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Before a cataract diagnosis, do not allow it to limit your life, since they have treatment. Traditional and laser cataract surgery (Femtosecond) is one of the most common in the world. It is recognized as safe and effective. Thanks to advances in medical technology, it is a painless and quick outpatient procedure with minimal risk and a speedy recovery.

The definitive treatment for cataract remains surgical. This procedure consists of the extraction of the opaque lens, replacing it with a state-of-the-art artificial intraocular lens (IOL), which may have different focusing capabilities in terms of far, medium and / or near vision.

Although it cannot be prevented, cataract can be detected by regular eye exams. For this reason it is advisable to visit the ophthalmologist regularly.

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