What is ectropion?

What is ectropion?

20 April 2023

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Ectropion is the medical name for the outward-facing eyelid. When you have this condition, the inside of the eyelid may become irritated. This condition can affect both eyelids, but often occurs in the lower eyelid.

There are several types of ectropion: they are broadly divided into groups called congenital (something you are born with) and acquired (something that occurs over time). The congenital type is the least common. There are four acquired types:

  • Involutional, which is the most common and occurs because muscles and ligaments become lax (loose) as we age.
  • Paralytic, which is related to facial nerve injury.
  • Cicatricial, which is related to scarring.
  • Mechanical, related to the weight of the eyelid.

The eyelids protect the eyes and keep them clean. Signs and symptoms of ectropion may include:

  • Sensation of having something in the eye.
  • Dryness
  • Redness
  • Tearing of the eye

These occur because the eye is exposed, therefore, there is a greater chance of it becoming irritated and dry. Most of the time it is not possible to prevent ectropion and it is necessary to see an ophthalmologist if you suspect this eye condition.

You can take some steps to protect your eyes and eyelids. For example, you can be careful how often and how firmly you rub your eyes, taking care not to stretch the skin in the area.

Also, you can protect your skin and eyes from intense sunlight by wearing sunglasses. Whenever the situation requires it, wear protective goggles.

If you wear contact lenses, be sure to clean them properly and dispose of them when you should. Always make sure your hands are clean when putting them in and taking them out. Always try to be gentle with your eyelids.


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