Why wear glasses if we have FemtoLasik?

Why wear glasses if we have FemtoLasik?

07 July 2021

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FemtoLasik technology allows ophthalmologists who specialize in refractive surgery to work with greater precision and accuracy, providing our patients with better vision recovery, lower risk, lower complication rate and a faster and easier postoperative period.

In the operating room we have two lasers, one is the LenSx® femtosecond laser and the other is the WaveLight® EX500 Excimer laser.

After the patient enters the room, anesthesia is applied and placed on the special table for femtosecond laser where a cut is made on the cornea. Then, without the patient getting up or moving, the stretcher passes to the Excimer laser, which eliminates the graduation of the patient. Once this process is complete, the patient can get up and go home on their own. The total operating time for each eye does not exceed 5 minutes.

Best of all, after the process is complete, the patient no longer has to wear glasses.

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