Dr. Arnaldo Espaillat joins the Academy of Sciences. Listín Diario Newspaper

Dr. Arnaldo Espaillat joins the Academy of Sciences. Listín Diario Newspaper

25 November 2024



The Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic (ACRD) invested this Thursday Dr. Arnaldo Espaillat Matos as a Full Member of the Health Sciences Commission, for his outstanding contribution to the field of ophthalmology and medicine.

Dr. Espaillat Matos, Medical Director of the Espaillat Cabral Institute since 1997, and renowned national and international ophthalmologist, presented his inaugural speech entitled "Application of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Ophthalmology." This event is a recognition of his career, his dedication to innovation and the advancement of ophthalmology in the Dominican Republic and Latin America.

During the ceremony, the president of the ACRD, Manuel Ramón Herrera Carbuccia, expressed feeling honored to invest Dr. Espaillat Matos, "Doctor, you are an example of dedication and commitment to dignified work, for us at the ACRD it is more than a pride to recognize your work."

While Dr. Antonio Selman Geara, member of the Health Sciences Commission, said that Espaillat Matos dignifies Dominican medicine and that his gift of service and his career make him worthy of this recognition. He called on the new generations to follow the example of the new academician, and train themselves to work for the benefit of those who have less.

The vice president of the ACRD, Dr. Dennis R. Simó, was present at the investiture ceremony, as well as the academicians Dr. José Joaquín Puello, Irene Pérez Guerra, Celedonio Jiménez, Juan Francisco Puello Herrera, Arnaldo Espaillat Cabral, and the engineer Osiris de León, Eduardo Klingler, family and friends of the honoree.

With this act, the Academy of Sciences highlights its commitment to the development of medicine in the Dominican Republic.

About Dr. Espaillat Matos

Espaillat Matos has an extensive academic and professional career. A graduate of the Barraquer Institute in Barcelona, ​​Spain, with a Postgraduate Diploma in Vitreo-Retino-Choroid Pathology and a Master's Degree in Anterior Segment Pathology, he also holds a Fellowship in Retina and Vitreous.

He has also chaired organizations such as the Latin American Association of Cataract, Anterior Segment and Refractive Surgeons (ALACCSA-R), the Dominican Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ADOCAREF), the Dominican Society of Ophthalmology, the Dominican Association of Ophthalmological Centers (ADOCAREF), and is an active member of various international ophthalmology associations.

He has also been distinguished with awards such as the "International Ophthalmologist Education Award" and the "International Scholar Award" of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO).

In his academic contribution, Dr. Espaillat Matos has been co-editor and co-author of three books in the field of ophthalmology: Cicafe: Cataract Surgery with Femtosecond Laser, New Trends in Cataract Surgery, and Diagnostic Images in Ophthalmology. He has also presented more than 270 scientific conferences at national and international level and has published more than 30 scientific articles in specialized journals, contributing significantly to the knowledge and practice in his field.

Read the press release in Listín Diario Newspaper https://listindiario.com/la-republica/sector-salud/20241123/doctor-arnaldo-espaillat-ingresa-academia-ciencias_834798.html

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