Espaillat Cabral Institute, 53 years of ophthalmology

Espaillat Cabral Institute, 53 years of ophthalmology

01 April 2023




This year, the Espaillat Cabral Institute celebrates the 53rd anniversary of its foundation. In 1970, the Institute opened its doors as the first ophthalmology clinic in the country, becoming also the first Dominican center dedicated to a single medical specialty: the care of the eyes and the entire visual apparatus.

Innovation and the latest advances in ophthalmologic medical technology have been constant in the center throughout its history. Today, they continue to remain at the forefront of techniques, processes and tools that the passage of time has redefined in ocular medical science in its diversified physical plant, which has the most modern diagnostic and surgical equipment, as well as intelligent operating rooms, and the most qualified and updated staff of all ophthalmologic subspecialties.

The Espaillat Cabral Institute has been able to maintain a clear leadership in the ophthalmology sector and a clear example of this is the fact that it has become the first healthcare center outside the United States to receive the HFAP (Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program) international accreditation for quality in healthcare, and in 2021 it will be re-accredited, this time by ACHC, the Accreditation Commission for Health Care.

The achievement of these Quality in Health accreditations undoubtedly marks a historic precedent in the national healthcare system, as both certifications recognize medical centers that meet or exceed the international standards required in the practice of medicine, with a special focus on patient safety.

The Espaillat Cabral Institute is affiliated to the Dominican Association of Health Tourism (ADTS), the Medical Tourism Association (MTA), the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MISPAS), and the Dominican Association of Ophthalmology Centers (ADOCOFT), and maintains academic agreements with the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) and the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU). It is also affiliated to the Latin American Association of Cataract, Anterior Segment and Refractive Surgeons (ALACCSA-R), an international institution currently chaired by the Institute's Medical Director, Arnaldo Espaillat Matos, M.D.

As part of its social commitment, the Institute also serves patients whose economic condition limits or prevents their access to specialized health services in the private sector, providing specialized care and state-of-the-art technology.

Another area of social responsibility that the Institute has assumed for more than five decades is the contribution to the formation of high quality human capital in our country, sharing knowledge and best practices with new generations of ophthalmologists: since its foundation, its facilities have served as a permanent classroom for doctors seeking excellence in all branches of ophthalmology. Currently, the Institute offers a postgraduate fellowship program in Cataract and Refractive Surgery in conjunction with UNIBE, as well as medical internship and rotation programs for medical students.

The Espaillat Cabral Institute's website offers institutional information and covers topics of practical importance for all citizens, including tips for protecting the eyes and maintaining the visual health of children, adolescents, adults and senior citizens. Through its social networks, the Institute informs its patients and the general public about various ophthalmological conditions, possible symptoms, and the types of treatment available for the different conditions that can threaten visual health.

These achievements confirm that the Espaillat Cabral Institute continues to be at the forefront of national and regional ophthalmology on its 53rd anniversary, offering its patients the highest international standards in specialized medicine, with humane, ethical and personalized treatment.

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