Do you have a mole in your eye? Know what ocular nevus is

Do you have a mole in your eye? Know what ocular nevus is

07 March 2024

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Ocular nevus, also known as conjunctival nevus or intraocular nevus, is a common eye condition that involves the presence of a mole or pigmented lesion in the eye. Although it may seem unusual to have moles in this sensitive area, ocular nevi are generally benign and do not pose a significant threat to eye health.

Ocular nevi are similar to moles that appear on the skin, but they are found on the conjunctiva, which is the transparent membrane that covers the sclera, the white part of the eye. They can come in different shapes, sizes and colors, and are often discovered during routine eye exams.

Although the exact cause of ocular nevus is not fully understood, some risk factors can increase the chance of developing them. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, a family history of ocular nevi, and the presence of nevi on the skin may be related to their appearance.

Diagnosis is made through a complete eye examination by an ophthalmologist. In many cases, they are discovered accidentally, as they may not cause obvious symptoms.

Regular monitoring of ocular nevi is essential to detect any changes in their appearance. Changes in size, shape, or color may require additional evaluation to rule out possible complications.

In most cases, ocular nevi do not require active treatment, as they are benign and do not cause significant problems. However, in exceptional situations where there are suspicious changes or potential risks of malignancy, the ophthalmologist may choose to perform biopsies or remove the nevus.

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