Do you have tired eyes?
29 December 2022
Presbyopia is the normal loss of the ability to focus on objects up close, which occurs with age. Most people begin to notice the effects of presbyopia in their 40s, when they begin to have trouble seeing small print, including phone text messages, clearly.
You can't escape presbyopia, even if you've never had a vision problem before. Even people who are nearsighted will notice that their near vision becomes blurry when they use their regular glasses or contact lenses to correct distance vision.
In parts of the world where there is no access to eye care, presbyopia is much more than an inconvenience: it is one of the leading causes of visual impairment that reduces people's quality of life and productivity.
When you become presbyopic, you have to hold your cell phone, other objects and reading material farther away from your eyes to see them more clearly. Unfortunately, by moving objects away from the eyes, their size decreases, so this is only a temporary and only partially satisfactory solution to presbyopia.
Presbyopia can cause headaches, eyestrain and eyestrain, which make reading and other near vision tasks less comfortable and more tiring.
As mentioned earlier, presbyopia is an age-related process. It is a gradual thickening and loss of flexibility of the lens. These changes occur in the lens proteins, which over time become harder and less elastic. Changes also occur in the muscle fibers surrounding the lens: as it loses elasticity, the eyes have difficulty focusing on close objects.
Presbyopia can be treated with glasses and surgery. It is important that you go to an ophthalmology consultation to be evaluated and to determine your diagnosis and the corresponding treatment. In our center we have specialists in presbyopia. You can make your appointment online.