Am I a candidate for refractive surgery?

Am I a candidate for refractive surgery?

04 September 2019

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If you have a refractive defect, such as nearsightedness (poor distance vision), farsightedness (near vision loss), astigmatism, or presbyopia, refractive surgery is a method of correcting or improving your vision.

There are several surgical procedures to adjust the focusing ability of the eye, shaping the cornea (the curved, transparent dome at the front of the eye).

To qualify for a refractive procedure, you must consider:

• Ideally, be over 21 years old.

• Have stable eyesight and eyeglass or contact lens prescription unchanged for at least the past year.

• Do not take any type of medication that causes fluctuations in vision.

• Ideally, not having undergone infectious or inflammatory processes in the eyes. If this is the case, you should explain in detail to the specialist, before the procedure.

• You must not have suffered corneal wounds that have caused significant scarring or suffered from herpes infections.

• Corneas should not be thin, laser surgery changes the focusing properties of the eye by reshaping the cornea, for example, removing tissue. If your cornea is very thin, you could have complications. In these cases, there are other more appropriate surgical options.

• Do not suffer from dry eye syndrome. Laser eye surgery with the LASIK method tends to aggravate this condition.

Do you know the FemtoLasik-Contoura procedure?The refractive ophthalmologist surgeon will evaluate you and determine if you are a candidate for a refractive procedure.

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