Answering some questions about Femtolasik: forget about wearing glasses

Answering some questions about Femtolasik: forget about wearing glasses

25 June 2021

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FemtoLasik surgery is the most innovative procedure to treat myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism (refractive defects), making it possible to stop wearing glasses.

In today's article, we answer some of the concerns patients have prior to undergoing FemtoLasik surgery.

1. Can I have both eyes operated at the same time?
Yes of course. Even, for reasons of comfort, we recommend that the operation be done on both eyes at the same time.

2. Is the operation painful?
No. The surgery does not involve any kind of pain. We use topical anesthesia, such as those applied in consultation to perform preoperative tests.

3. After the operation and during the first days, can I watch television, use my cell phone, read, etc ...?

Yes, it all depends on the ability to do so, but visual effort does not interfere with the patient's recovery. The rest period for intense reading is two to three days.

4. Who can have FemtoLasik surgery?
Anyone over 21 years of age who has a stable refractive error for more than a year (myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism) and maintains good eye health.

5. What should I not do after surgery?
We recommend that patients: do not use eye makeup - to avoid rubbing them when removing makeup; do not bathe in the pool; not playing contact sports for at least two weeks after surgery.

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