Back to School and Post-Pandemic Visual Health

Back to School and Post-Pandemic Visual Health

04 August 2021

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With the advent of the excessive and abusive use of all electronic devices, and as a consequence of the confinement to which we have been subjected in this very atypical year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are currently facing the tremendous impact on the visual health of children. .

Virtual classes; entertainment through screens and indoors; not being able to carry out activities outdoors; lack of control in sleep routines and schedules; Among other alterations that family dynamics have suffered, they have had serious implications in eye health and in the circadian rhythm (the one that controls sleep). There has been a drastic increase in cases of visual fatigue, myopia progression, dry eyes, migraine status at an early age, high sensitivity to light, blurred vision, eye pain, among other manifestations.

Because all of this can have consequences on the proper development of children's academic activities, a pediatric ophthalmological evaluation is extremely important. It is crucial to detect if there are any visual problems before adolescence and adulthood, since some visual problems in developing eyes can be correctable in the first years of life. Refractive or focus defects and eye problems not detected in time can prevent a child from having an adequate learning capacity, so it is recommended to perform a complete pediatric ophthalmological exam before starting the new school year.

The most effective way to detect if there is even the slightest visual problem that has an implication in the academic performance of a child, is by performing routine ophthalmological check-ups before starting classes each year, especially in patients with a family history of visual difficulties, as well. as in those who spend long hours reading, studying or are in front of an electronic screen playing or entertaining themselves for long hours.

To make sure your child is ready for school, schedule a consultation with our specialist doctors from the Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology at the Espaillat Cabral Institute.

Dr. Stephanie Vasquez
Ophthalmologist Surgeon
Pediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus and Pediatric Cataract Specialist
Espaillat Cabral Institute

FaLang translation system by Faboba
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