 COVID-19 Patient Guidelines

COVID-19 Patient Guidelines

30 April 2020

Refer a Patient

Following WHO and MISPAS guidelines, to better protect our patients and medical service providers, if you wear a cloth mask upon arrival at the Institute, we will provide you with a disposable one. Also, you must attend without gloves. Upon arrival, you will be offered 70% alcohol gel for your hands. Thanks for your understanding.

We have defined the following standards based on best medical practices:

We will follow a protocol of questions when making the appointment by phone about symptoms (fever, headache, sore throat, physical tiredness, body pain, dry cough (without secretions), respiratory distress, diarrhea and / or loss of smell. and if you have been in contact with someone infected or suspected of being infected with Coronavirus in the last 15 days. If yes of any of the aforementioned conditions, if your case does not constitute an emergency, we will place your query for fifteen ( 15 days later.

Upon arrival at our facilities, the temperature will be taken for all patients (and companions, if necessary) with a device that does not come into direct contact with the person.

It is not allowed to attend with companions, except for pediatric patients or people who cannot take care of themselves, either due to very old age or another condition, in which case only one companion per patient will be admitted. If it is necessary to dilate your pupil, this being a longer process, we will ask that your companion wait for you in the vehicle until the consultation is over.

We have expanded our disinfection practices, which were already strict, in all our facilities.

Our staff is trained and qualified in biosecurity and disinfection of areas, applying constant hand washing and disinfection, so they are protected for their own care and that of patients.

Prevention begins with everyone:

1. Wash your hands frequently.
2. Avoid touching your face.
3. When sneezing, use a disposable tissue or do so inside your elbow.
4. If you have symptoms, it is a good idea not to go out and immediately contact the national line for patients with suspected COVID-19 * 462 or dial 911.

FaLang translation system by Faboba
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