Lacrimal duct obstruction

Lacrimal duct obstruction

08 December 2022

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A blocked tear duct is a complete or partial blockage (obstruction) in the nasal (nose) passages that drain tears. If you have a blocked tear duct, your eyes may be itchy, irritated, and watery. Another name for a blocked tear duct is nasolacrimal duct obstruction.

Normally, the lacrimal system keeps the eyes slightly moist but not too watery. The lacrimal system has three parts:

  • Lacrimal glands create tears.
  • The puncta are small openings in the corner of the eye where the tears come out.
  • The nasolacrimal ducts connect to the puncta and drain the rest of the tear fluid into the nose.

Blockage of the tear ducts is common in newborns. A blocked tear duct in an infant usually goes away without treatment.

Adults are more likely to develop a blocked tear duct if they have:

  • Chronic eye inflammation, such as uveitis.
  • Glaucoma
  • History of eye surgery
  • Previous cancer treatment, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Causes of blocked tear ducts include:

  • Age: as you get older, the puncta may naturally narrow.
  • Congenital obstructions: some babies are born with narrowed or not fully formed tear ducts (dacryostenosis).
  • Infections: Chronic eye infections can cause a blockage.
  • Injury: Any eye injury near the tear ducts can cause a blockage.
  • Tumors: A tumor anywhere near the tear ducts, such as in the nose, can cause blocked tear ducts.
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