Dr. Priscila Cedano talks to us about dry eye

Dr. Priscila Cedano talks to us about dry eye

26 October 2023

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By Dr. Priscila Cedano Santana

Specialty in Refractive and Cataract Surgery. Eye Dryness.

A high percentage of patients who visit the ophthalmology clinic are affected by dry eye symptoms, which can be so severe that they lead to a significant reduction in the patients' quality of life. Fortunately, studies on this field of ophthalmology are increasingly extensive and today we have very advanced treatments for its management.

At the Espaillat Cabral Institute we have carried out research on the effectiveness of treatments for this condition, thus expanding our experience on the most appropriate management for these cases.

Dry eye syndrome is a multifactorial disease that is characterized by a loss of balance in the tear film, where damage and inflammation of the ocular surface, along with a wide variety of ocular discomforts, will form part of the vicious circle of this disease. clinical picture.

Among its symptoms we can highlight: sensation of a foreign body or grit, tearing, eye redness, feeling of tiredness and heaviness, burning, fluctuating blurred vision, pain, among others.

As its definition indicates, its causes are multiple, and within them we can highlight factors such as age, sex, race, the coexistence of ocular diseases and systemic diseases, as well as the use of certain ocular medications and treatments for the management of systemic conditions.

There are different classifications for dry eye, since the tear film must not only be sufficient, but must also be composed of three layers (aqueous, mucinous and lipid) to ensure that it can fulfill its various functions in the eye; If any of these components is altered, then we will have a loss of that important balance of the tears. Its classification will also depend on the degree of severity of the signs and symptoms of each patient and these are evaluated during the ophthalmology consultation.

The treatment options will depend on the diagnosis and classification that we have previously made, they are divided into different levels of severity and can range from the use of lubricating drops of different compositions, use of anti-inflammatory drops, use of drugs to stimulate tear production. , biological blood preparations, intense pulsed light therapy, eyelid margin exfoliation, among others.

At the Espaillat Cabral Institute we have all the necessary technology for the management of Dry Eye Syndrome, so if you are a patient who constantly struggles with discomfort due to dry eyes, we invite you to come to our center to evaluate what is the best treatment for you.Click here to request your appointment.

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