Tips for safe makeup around your eyes

Tips for safe makeup around your eyes

03 May 2021

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It is important to protect your eyes when wearing makeup, so we share some steps to guarantee the care of your eyes:

If you have doubts about your routine regarding the use of cosmetics, or if you have an eye condition that may require special care, consult your ophthalmologist.

• Only use cosmetics if they are designed to be applied around the eyes. Avoid products that contain unapproved chemicals or irritants.

• Discard makeup after three months of opening and get new ones. Infection-causing bacteria easily grow in creamy or liquid eye makeup.

• If you have an eye infection, such as a red eye, immediately discard eye makeup products, and apply products to this area until the infection is gone.

• Don't share makeup products, even with family members or close friends.

• Before buying makeup at the store, use only new applicators and samples that have not been contaminated by other people. The safest choice is to avoid in-store displays anyway.

When applying makeup, remember to take these steps into account when caring for your eyes.

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